Reiterating the benefits of participating in The Event: it reaches more resellers than any trade show. Best of all, for 2025, it is free for you to participate, and it’s happening every month of the year. Step 1 of 2 50% Company Name(Required)Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email(Required) What NEW products are you submitting to be featured in The Event?Product 1(Required)When will product 1 be available?(Required)Product 2When will product 2 be available?Will you be shipping these products to AAM, providing your own marketing assets, or both?(Required)Select OneShipping Products to AAMUsing existing marketing materialsBothUpload Marketing Materials(Required)Please include any sell sheets, brochures, links or other assets that we can use to product the video. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 100 MB. Special Notes