[SUPPLIER RELATIONS] Member Call Report Member Name(Required)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Call Attendees(Required)Underperforming AAM Program Suppliers Discussed and next steps for each. Keep this simple 3-5 suppliers(Required)Non Stocking AAM Program Suppliers Discussed and next steps for each: List(Required)What new Suppliers is the Member considering adding? List AAM Program Suppliers and non AAM Program Suppliers and the timeline for each.(Required)What Suppliers is the member considering dropping? What is the replacement? List AAM Program Suppliers and non AAM Program Suppliers(Required)What are the Member’s current top five non AAM suppliers, and their annual volume for each? Twice per year question(Required)What do you want to get out of these calls? How can we structure the calls to help you meet your success goals? (Twice a year)(Required)What suppliers do you need personal action from? Visit, Training, bettering relationships? List Urgent and Non-Urgent(Required)What suppliers are you facing barriers from? Shipping issues, issues with other WD’s. List Urgent and Non-Urgent(Required)How could the supplier relations team help you meet your goals? No Penalty for honesty(Required)What upcoming vendor/market challenges or opportunities do you foresee in the next month/quarter?(Required)MISC Box for all other random Comments: Personnel changes, Acquisitions, Flag’s for other members of the AAM team